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Found 13511 results for any of the keywords svr social media icons. Time 0.015 seconds.
Children's MinistryAt Seven Rivers we are passionate about kids!
Children's Ministry RegistrationAt Seven Rivers we are passionate about kids! Sign-up your kids ahead of time so they will be ready to go for their first visit.
Camp Seven RiversCamp Seven Rivers is a Christian summer camp for kids entering grades K-6.
Let's GoLet’s Go is a two-year generosity initiative to resource the mission of Seven Rivers Church—to bring the healing love of Jesus to broken people and broken places.
Contact UsGive Us A Call • Leave A Message • Stop By Our Office
Our TeamAddy AspenMiddle School Assistant
GiveJesus put it this way, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also, Matthew 6:21. So our prayer is that Seven Rivers will be a community of generous givers.
Camp Seven RiversCamp Seven Rivers is a Christian summer camp for kids ages 3 through 6th grade.
What's HappeningCheck out what's happening at Seven Rivers. There's something for every member of the family at Seven Rivers Church.
Plan Your VisitWe can't wait to see you this weekend in worship at Seven Rivers. Before you come, learn more about what to expect in anticipation for your visit.
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